How to help a Vet who used a claim shark?
My ex has some legit claims but unfortunately he works for a federal agency that has a lot of vets who used a particular bad unaccredited company and encouraged him to use them. For context I am also a service connected vet who although I did my own claiims. I offered to help but he got impatient with my process. He thinks they submitted claims for him but I let him know they could not, they submitted as if were him. They submitted probably 20 claims most of which are not valid claims and know he’s going to exams. I went through his one or two legitimate claims and we added evidence to support those. I think everything will be denied to be honest, based on the junk they submitted. Obviously if he gets anything he intends to pay them but if they are all denied, which I expect can he sever ties so I can help him on the 3 out of 20 that he actually should get? I am so mad I said I would help