Am I screwed?
Just got a letter in the mail today asking to verify my dependents. Didn’t think anything of it because I should just have one, my kid. Decided to double check to make sure and saw that my ex-wife was still showing as a dependent. We divorced in 2018.
When I went to the VA for mental health issues back in 2019, they asked if I was still married and I said no and they informed me that they would update my profile. So I haven’t thought about it since.
Now I’m seeing that she was never removed. I know it was my due diligence to review this and make sure, but life happens and I never checked.
It looks like it would be about $200 extra per month for ~7 years. Would I have to pay all this back? Has anyone had any experience with this?
Edit: Thank you to those who responded positively. I will take into account your comments and act accordingly.
For the record: I fully intend to pay back any overpayment that the VA says I need to. That wasn’t the issue and never was. I just needed an outlook going forward of what my options were from those experienced in something like this. I don’t need your vapid opinions of what you think happened in my life that I didn’t know about this. Having my piece of shit ex-wife off of any and all survivor benefits would have been well worth the $200 less a month, and I would have had her removed had I not thought she already was.