Rating with no C&P?

Hey all, been stalking this page for a while first time posting. Quick backstory, 11B still in service with the guard coming up on 10 years. Multiple deployments, training opportunities around the world good career all in all. However, I’m that guy that never went to sick call answered false to everything at PHA and Demob just to get outta there. Few injuries on record due to mandatory ER visits and a medical waiver for injuries pre-service. I used VBG to tackle the VA’s system and they’ve been excellent honestly. The service connected injuries I had forgotten about, assisted with the mountain of paperwork etc. sorry for the long story guys my question is this. I’m obviously nervous about my rating but recently I logged into my VA and I’m on step 5. I’ve had 2 C&P appointments. One for hearing and tinnitus (The hearing test was a joke), and one for my left hand, knees and allergic rhinitis. I never had an appointment for my back, left shoulder or ankles which it should be noted there is no supporting medical records for other than Infantry. Should I be concerned? Thanks for reading and keep the support and camaraderie up in this group!