I saw it is time to bring back the BEF

The 72k cuts are going to be in non-clinical positions. Mostly the lower paid blue collar jobs such as Food Service Workers, Maintenance Mechanics, Housekeeping Aids, Police Officers, and Motor Vehicle Operators. They are overwhelmingly staffed by Veterans. So much that it could easily drag the percentage of Veteran employees at the VA by double digit percentage. A lot of them are vulnerable. Housekeeping Aids are typically only hired if they are at least 30% disabled.

They are trying to purge us from the Government. Mark my words, your disability checks and healthcare services will be next. I voted for Trump, and I am still here saying we need to stand up and be heard. It will be some time before there will be light at the end of the tunnel economically. In 1932, WWI Veterans camped out and protested to receive promised payments and additional benefits. They called themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force (BEF) and they grew to the size of almost 3 Divisions. Herbert Hoover - who Trump himself has said he admires - had the Army clear them out and it was a political grenade. They'd be idiots to make that mistake again.

Edit: I get it... You hate me because I voted for him. I get that. I am not going to argue or push back on anyone who wants to take out their frustration on me. If that makes you feel better, then so be it. However... If you actually care about what you are saying and want to change the way things are, you are just going to deter others from admitting that they made a bad call.

The entire point of this post is to say we need to organize. I don't care who you want to follow.