Relief vet treats me like I'm dumb

Ive been a veterinary assistant at an exotic clinic for 3-4 months now, I'm also getting ready to apply to the tech program at my college. And lately, our vet has been taking a lot of breaks, so he hired us a relief vet. Now, I am no where near as qualified as my coworkers when it comes to certain procedures. But I make it a point to learn and I know enough to be useful, pulling vaccs, restraining animals for the vet or other techs, collecting fecals and running them, filling meds, all that jazz. I worked with this relief vet for one weekend before she apparently decided I was not enough for her. I volunteered to work with her new years day, only to be told by my coworker not to come in because the she did not want me working that day with her.

She covered for our vet again today. I had a room, a feral kitten that was not having any of it. I got the temp, the fecal and a basic history of where they found the cat. She went in and talked to the owners about everything since they've never owned a cat before, she then comes out of the room, glances at me and then walks past me to go find one of my coworkers and asks them to help her. This is not the first time either, every single time I have worked with her, she ignores me and goes and gets someone else to take over my rooms. When she first started I loved her, she's an amazing veterinarian and talks the clients through what's she's doing and what her plans are, but I cannot stand the way I get treated like I'm stupid.