Feeling like crap after a meeting with management
I have had 3 years of experience being a VA and 1 year of reception work too. I’d say I have some pretty good knowledge of the field and even have been surgery trained and know how to pack wraps and heck I even know my instrument names! I also know more which would take up this post. My point is I was able to get in a quick meeting with management and I just got shit on. Excuse my language. Everything about the meeting was about everything I had done wrong. Not one positive thing was said. So of course, I cried and I even tried to stand up for myself. I was shocked when another coworker's name was mentioned in the meeting and they said I wasn’t going to help them with something. I was so shocked! I have never said to anyone even in my past workplace that I would not help someone. Now I’m trying to stand up for myself in my new workplace and not be the person that everyone else puts their work on so I did ask this person if they needed me to clean a kennel or if they were going to do it. Apparently, I should have just assumed I was going to clean it. I’m confused as it has been repeatedly said that everyone should help each other out. I never said I wasn’t going to clean the kennel and at the end of the day I cleaned it. I was just asking who was going to do it. I told management I cleaned the so-called kennel. Silence. Nothing said. Then I was told they were not impressed with my skills on the floor… management said they don’t work with me on the floor ( yeah you never work with me on the floor) and they were not impressed with how I worked. That also confused me. The feedback about me is not good I guess. Which also confused about as management didn’t say what other feedback was given. Then management would say one thing that would contradict what they just said. I’m so confused.
I don’t know what more I can do I tried to explain what my thought process is on the floor. Check-in with coworkers to make sure an appointment is started if it’s not and I’m not currently working on an appointment then I can start one. Making sure medications are being filled and checking to make sure lab work is being set up. Answering phones. Then in downtime, I’m cleaning rooms or cleaning the back area. Idk what more they want me to do. I’m just devastated (fighting with depression and anxiety) and afraid to ask my coworkers if they need any assistance now since to some of them it’s not okay to ask them if they need any help. I’m new at this place barely been there for 2 months now and I’m just heartbroken about this. Should I be looking for a new place since this doesn’t seem to be a healthy workplace if I can’t stand up for myself or even ask questions in this new place? One more thing just like everywhere else this place is short-staffed.