VM vs. PPPD?

Hi everyone. I was recently diagnosed with vestibular migraine after an intense episode of dizzyness that left me with permanent feelings of light headedness and dizzyness.

A combination of diet changes, physical therapy, stress management, SSRIs and botox have left me feeling significantly better. However I still suffer from dizzyness, light headedness and fatigue with varying degrees of intensity each day. My understanding is that this is from PPPD for which i was also diagnosed.

But I am confused. My understanding was that vestibular migraine can make it more likely to develop PPPD but the two are not the same. PPPD is specific in that sufferers have an intense dizzyness episode after which their brain struggles to return to a normal way of sensing the world, causing the dizzy and light headed feelings. But reading this sub many of you seem to suffer from PPPD like symptoms but refer to it as VM.

So my question is what is your understanding of VM and PPPD? Is dizzyness that people report with VM different to that of PPPD? Do they have different treatments or prognosis? Do people with VM maybe not realize they have PPPD? Is PPPD usually the first noticeable episode that people experience that leads ultimately to a VM diagnosis? I know thats a lot but just trying to understand the link and differences between the two, thanks.