Got suspended from school for the dumbest shit ever
These stupid, pricky, pedo teachers at my school saw me 'choking out' a kid - right before this stupid whore teacher wasn't looking this kid tackled to me to the ground, pinned my arms and I couldn't even move. I kneed him in the stomach to get him off me and put my arm 'loosely' around his neck to scare him. What I did was bad but - in the past week I've had most of my food stolen by kids and just thrown on the ground, slapped in the back of the head like three times and got full force punched in the face. They checked security camera footage the one day I did anything - even my friends were surprised because 90% of the time I'm the victim of the situation. I want to kms. I'm trying my best this year because I want my parents to be proud of me but this school has it out for me man. Tbh I am saying this for attention I just want someone to gaf.