
Why would you bring a person into this highly abusive world that doesn't respect children??!!

I'm sixty and I loathe my parents on so many levels for bringing me into this filth and disgust. I didn't have a choice in the matter of my existence because it was all about my parents being self-centered, self-serving and all around selfish.

It doesn't matter how good at being parents you are, you can't keep them from the real world forever, no matter how much you want to.

Please don't be those parents that think their child/ren will be the exception to the rule of the world. That's unrealistic, at best.

It really has become the kind of world that is so bad, if you become pregnant, you have to have the baby for the sick to play with, or else.

Soon, they will be forcing women to have babies. If you won't see that coming, then you are not realistic.

It is more than possible that the world will not go back to the idealistic time from the mid sixties to the mid seventies. Some even think that the late seventies and eighties were great but that is when pedophilia became so mainstream children couldn't play outside unsupervised anymore.

Please love and respect your unborn children enough to not have them so you can protect them from all of this that is only getting worse, not better.

There really is no other way to protect them, unless you raise them from day one to know that their life will be full of abuse on every level every day of their lives. They'll probably ask you why you had them.