My friend might have DID
If you don't know what DID is then look it up. So my friend and I were friends for a couple of years before she moved away but me and her still stay in touch and text. At first our texts were about fan fiction and OCs and our own OCs and stories and little funny snippets and art. Normal stuff for a 13 and 14 year old kids. Well they began to be weird in her end when she began to talk about maladaptive daydreaming which I was supportive about but then she began to mention about different alters. When she texted like how are you doing she would put in like from Iza even though me and her aren't role playing. This went on for weeks and I got really creeeped out once she began to text instead of saying I since this wasn't a group chat she began to text saying we and us and by the way she isn't trans. I felt really creeped out by it especially when I asked how was she doing and she texted back about being tired and I asked about getting good nights rest and this really creeped me out when she texted of you know we are just naturally tired. One day I asked her a question about her alters and I texted her about how many personas she had and this is exactly what she texted back "Alters! Or parts or other personities! Hate to correct you friend but that term “persona” is offensive to us, we did not chose to be like this at all and I’m not a right term AT all, but to another your question, eight(technically seven since one of us is dormant.)" I'm sorry but this felt like ai. I don't know I just feel really creeped out. I know I might have just been an asshole.