Period sex 🙄

So I have this friend. I sleep with him sometimes. Very straight laced. He would have a higher body count than me but he's explored less, if that makes sense.

I had my period the last time we caught up. He's never had period sex before (he's 40). I was upfront, he still wanted to go ahead. We did. Immediately after he goes to shower - without me. Just ups and leaves me to tidy up on my own. 🙄

I had an overwhelming feeling of neutrality. Previously I found him sweet and appealing at least as a fwb but apparently in the face of a minimal amount of blood, he balks.

I can't begin to describe how this one instance has changed my entire way of seeing him. It's helpful, because I can't keep fucking around with him instead of finding someone to actually date. But damn. The attraction evaporated almost instantaneously.

Edit. Well this has been reddit levels of ridiculous. Can't be bothered replying to any more comments.

My takeaway is: heaven forbid a woman feel neutral about a man. YES NEUTRAL. 🤭💕