My parents killed my pet
Now for context. This isn’t a dog or cat or fish. This is a spider. I didn’t buy him, he just appeared in my room.
I lived at my parents for awhile. My parents aren’t the cleanest of people and they have a cockroach & bug infestation. My room was always clean. I wouldn’t even let my mom’s dogs in my room.
One day , I was deep cleaning my room and pulled a pillow that fell from the back of my bed’s headboard and there he was, standing calmly on my pillow
This was the biggest cellar spider (daddy long legs) I’ve ever seen in my life. He was about the size of my entire hand.
I put the pillow back down in the crevice and named him Jerry.
I loved Jerry. I didn’t bother him & he didn’t bother me. We had an agreement that I give him a few sacrifices and he wouldn’t bite me as I slept.
I’d spot him here and there but I grew to enjoy his presence and I also enjoyed the fact that there was no longer bugs in my room. He was kind of my guard dog.
The day came that I would move in with my bf and I tried to look for Jerry to take with me but I couldn’t find him and I thought he’d be happier protecting my room.
My bf ended up cheating on me and I moved back in to my parent’s.
As I was moving back in, I looked and looked and looked for Jerry. I finally asked my mom where he went and she replied “UGH are you talking about that HUGE spider?! I made your dad take it outside.. disgusting”
If you don’t know anything about spiders, this is a death sentence for them to move inside to outside.
But dad said he ended up squishing & and flushing him.
I’m so heartbroken. Jerry was my friend. He was chill and wouldn’t even hurt a fl…. Person.
RIP Jerry