I'm so tired of dating people with zero self reliance.

I'm a 32 year old straight guy, for context. I only date women my age or a little older. The last three women I've dated have all been older than me. To summarize:

-Two of them lived with their parents and the one who didn't had four roommates -Only one of them owned a car (in a city with next to no public transport) -All three of them were financially limited and expected everything to be on me -All of them expected me to spend all day carrying on a text chain even before the first date and would get passive aggressive if I took too long to reply.

I can't deal with this anymore. I'm not judging someone for living with their parents or not having a vehicle, but I'm not willing to be the only one driving all the time or to constantly play host.

Add to that the financial issues (again, not judging) and almost every date would end up either being at my place or costing me $150-200. Combine that with the texting thing (getting pissed at me for not replying, whining when I don't send a "good morning" text to someone I met on Tinder 2 weeks ago, etc.) I think I'm done with dating.

Genuine question, am I nuts? It's totally possible I'm the crazy one and my expectations are out of whack.