I feel like nobody sees me

I'm 20 with Asperger’s, and I have been self-teaching English and Japanese. I’m also learning C# to make a videogame, since I love writing stories, and coding takes up 90% of my day. I’m looking for a job, but I can’t find one because this country sucks.

My dad was never there since my mom died when I was 12, he's the most absent person in my entire life yet he always manages to yell at me and tell me how worthless I am, he used to hit me when I was little, but it wasn't for teaching, just because he was mad and needed something to vent to. I used to have two best friends, but they basically don’t exist anymore. They both got their driver’s licenses with minimal effort while I failed twice. Then they both got jobs. One ghosted me completely. The other keeps saying he’s "so tired" every day, but I know he does nothing at work and he just wants to sound important. Meanwhile, I’ve been there for them every single time they needed something. I paid for them when we went out. I spent days helping them or trying to find solutions for their problems. They never once asked how I feel. And now, they can’t even answer a message.

I give everything to people. I check in on them, I help them, I never ask for help myself. Meanwhile, they can’t do a single thing alone. And when I finally say "no" because I don't have time, their reaction is obvious.

And damn me if I make any mistake, they just get mad at me like i'm the source of the problem.

I just want someone to notice me. I invest time, energy and money in people, and they just move on, take it for granted or straight up don't care. Why? Is the world so horrible? Am I just surrounded by the worst people? Am I the stupid one so people just take advantage on me?