I'm sick of the government

Im so sick of the American government. Our government was built in a way where the power is held with the people, but I guess not anymore. We can express our beliefs and tell the government what we want, but god knows they won't do it. There's such a huge gap between the people and the government, I don't even see them as real people anymore. I guarantee half of the politicians in our country have never gone through half of what the citizens have gone through. They were all born with a silver spoon in their mouths, completely sheltered from the real world. How are we supposed to rely on them to make decisions for our country when they don't truly understand what it's like to live here? I'm only 18 and I need to almost work full time at a job on top of school just to afford an education to get a job that makes a fraction of what they make for sitting around on their asses all day. I'm completely wasting my teenage years trying to make money to live comfortably while those people were already born with the upper hand, so what's the point?