Don’t trust family, never sign anything
I know I'm too emotional over a house, but it has been home for 10 years.
My grandmother in general was a bitter horrible person but she took me in when I couldn't walk after I OD'd, I got somewhat better and was going to move out. I appreciated the help but the house was level 5 hoarding complete with dead animals, 2 weeks before I was supposed move with a housing voucher she had to have eye surgery and I was asked to stay and help, I did and before we were done with the medication she got a diagnosis for dementia and I stayed living in a bug infested nightmare to help her
There was no space or plumbing for the first few years, I had to shower with hose or at gym, I have ptsd from burying 34 kittens in 3 months because she basically stopped caring for the feral cats and the litters were born unhealthy, I tried every shelter, vet and rescue and couldn't get help, many were abandoned still attached to the umbilical cord and did not die quickly, and I still stayed
Eventually after 5 years it was too much and I couldn't do it anymore, my uncle her had her sign a will, and power of attorney. now grama hadn't been declared incompetent yet but we were really pushing it so people over would have caused confusion so my uncle convinced me to sign as a witness meaning nothing could be left to me but he promised me this was the only way to save her assets (her X husband name is still on house) and he promised I'd get her half of the house and a little money for the work on house cause no one wanted it, he was going to abandon it and the years I took care of grama in an impossible situation, I shouldn't have believed him or signed
I spent 2 years cleaning it, filled 4-40 yard dumpsters, went through everything to save the things family wanted so it took forever, the house was 4 rooms plus 3 storage units packed floor to ceiling except a little path to bed and desk, I did some repairs, got 1 of the showers working but really that barely scratched the surface of what needed done but it felt livable,
All is good for a few years, uncle moved grama to his house and I can't count the conversations we had confirming he would never take it and I could do what I wanted since it was mine (like plant fruit trees and remove doors)
There's a lot more I went through and did for my grama, if you ever took care of someone with dementia you know it is a 24/7 job that other than free rent I didn't get paid for, I was sent $100 a week and I spent it on stuff grama wanted/needed while my uncle took every penny of her $1800 SS check for taking care of her
Well grama died, he took the money left the state and left the house up to his sister and now she's trying to do a complete remodel while I'm here and then sell it, only smart thing I did in this was have my uncle write me up a care taker lease for 3 years just in case gramas X husband tried to kick me out, I have 2 years left but my aunt is doing everything she can to make my life hell and I don't think I will survive living through a remodel,
I was prepared to get a mortgage on a fixer upper and buy my gramas X husband out but I won't give my family a dime, the house is just the last and biggest thing they have put me through, only bright side is once I leave here I never have to see or speak to them again, I'm going far away to start over, it won't be easy and I don't have the confidence I'll make it but that feels like the best choice
I am mentally disabled with physical problems, I am over stressed and have no where to go and feel like I wasted years of my life, money, and work on a broken promise, having stability of a place to live was life changing so sorry but I had to vent somewhere because it feels like I'm loosing everything and no hope to get it back
Advice is welcome but I really just needed to vent to anyone or no one, family sucks, well at least mine does and I apologize if some of this skipped around, it has been a lot and I'm trying anything including venting to deal with the stress, and I am so overwhelmed even grippy sock jail is looking like an option because I'm not sure what else to do, I'm so upset and scared I can't function, I know I need a plan but can't make one, all I can do is cry