I hate living here as a black person
The more I live here in Canada, the more I’m exposed to the circumstantial and fucked up racism that’s just brushed off because it’s considered a “joke?” From every kind of slur in the book, to calling me a slave and even touching my hair, calling it nappy, making fun of me in general. I’ve had enough and I don’t know how much more I’ll tolerate before I start getting suspended. School doesn’t care, friends don’t care and it gets worse and worse everyday. It’s as if I’m on my own. Even the people who I assumed were friendly are actually genuine assholes who want nothing but the enjoyment of attacking someone else for no reason whatsoever. I just wish for it all to end and to the dickheads that make fun of my hair I wish one day they wake up with curly hair and see how it shitty it gets. Like I don’t understand why the fuck some people just feel so entitled to do whatever they want. I mean sure they might be cool for like the next few years but holy fuck life’s gonna whoop their asses at the end of the day when they figure out there’s nothing they can do later on because they spent most of their life drinking, smoking and jerking each other off. I wish my words weren’t fucking taken lightly every time I mention something thing personal. I wish people didn’t view me as the “black” guy. I wish I could live a life where others can relate to me and not look at me stereotypically. I’m tired, fed up and at my limit.