Worst first vault ever

So my first vault was a Difficult , Unlucky, Weakened , Speedy vault.. at least i had some speed.. and I underestimated this modifiers and I was really glad, my first room, a village, with a portal, and ofc i came prepared with some eoe, but what my little brain could not understand is the fact that now, with weakened modifier i could not 1shot the silverfish.. and soon enouch i was overwhelmed by like 15 silverfish, few zombies and the finishing move was a creeper that falled right on my head and blow me away, back in the overworld where my place is.. I got over 12hour in my world, almost a week of play time for me.. and i lost everything in like 2 minutes.. I came here just to cry a little about my huge fail.. and maybe hear your storys with the first vault, maybe i won t feel so unlucky this way..