Would you ever sell out?
I guess most of us are here because we believe in buying companies cheaper than their real value.
It is why I was never into Bitcoin. Or Tesla or DJT.
But especially Bitcoin which I have been saying it is worthless since it was 500 and now it is 57000 and seeing both Tesla and DJT going up on meme factor, I sometimes think if I am doing it all wrong.
Last week, I finally succumbed and went to the dark side by buying a small stake in Nio, a hype stock that makes no profit. I don't think the company is as worthless as DJT but there is non zero chance it can go bankrupt since it is burning cash like hell with no profit in sight.
Well what do you know, it went up 10% today because it got slightly better delivery figures for this month. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I am losing faith in what I am doing in trying to find value when I could just tag along early on some hype stock and make so much more.
Can anyone convince me the errors of my way before I totally fall to the dark side? I actually think value investing is really for fund managers since they can't get in and out of shares quickly, or those that don't want to look at shares all day but for retail investors that look at the stock market all the time trading on hype should bring more returns?