VIVIZ Tour Buy/Sell/Trade Ticket Thread
- This thread will serve as a place for all ticket sell/buy/trade requests. Individual buy/sell/trade ticket posts will be removed.
- You are free to buy, sell, or trade your tickets, but at your own risk. Please be aware that moderators cannot take responsibility for any scams that might occur.
- Use this thread exclusively to look for tickets—whether to buy (WTB), sell (WTS), or trade (WTT).
- Specify the details in your comment. Example: [WTS] Location, No. of Tickets, Ticket Section, Price.
- Please, remember to edit your original comment once the transaction is complete.
- Do not share personal information in the thread. The transactions must be completed privately through your Reddit chat or other messaging apps.
- Don't hesitate to contact us with proof if you encounter a scammer so we can remove them.
- Sellers should consider watermarking their ticket photos for added security. Buyers are advised to keep proof of their transactions.
- Avoid spamming the thread. Suspicious activity will be removed, and community members are encouraged to report any suspicious comments.