Is vgc still fun if you’re not very good? Questions about getting into it.
Basically I’m 37 and been playing Pokémon since blue. I have never battled online. I buy every single Pokémon game that comes out, Breed Pokémon, ev train them and then just call it a day. I love to watch online battles with the well know streamers like Wolfe and cybertron but have never done it. I guess I’m worried I’ll try and just get demolished and regret it.
I wanted to hear from players that aren’t very good that enjoy vgc. If I make a team(would steal someones/rent) and I don’t win games will I just stay in a low tier and hopefully match lower tier players like myself? I am aware of how complex team building snd battling is I just want to know if all games would be against super competitive people straight out the gate.
Thanks all.
Edit* wow, thanks for all the advice! Definitely going to give vgc a go this weekend:) I’ll take all your advice on board.