What agents do you main and why?
Nothing fancy here, simply curious what everyone is maining just for fun and hear to everyone's perspective.
Personally, I have 3 agents:
Jett (Main and go to): I love her fast and active playstyle. She is super fun as she relies on your mechanical skill with multiple weapons (Rifle, Shorty and Snipers) and utility usage. Also, her plays and the ways she can get out of sticky situations make it super enjoyable to play. Nothing is especially more fun than getting an ace with the ult or holding down an entire site single-handedly because you're oping.
Reyna (Secondary / Carry Agent): I only play Reyna if someone else went Jett or if I want or feel like I can hard carry purely with my mechanical skill. She's quite fun but gets boring and repetitive after a while because of her lack of util.
Clove (Secondary / Fill): If we already have 2 duelists I love to play Clove. Why? Honestly, no idea. She's just fun to goof around with and use her ult. Might be because she's the closest controller to a duelist.