100% p&t decided today
Can’t believe it. This literally just changed my life. Notes about my claim
-I used a third party I was already at 80%, everything I submitted for was already service connected the reason I chose third party was I could not risk losing my 80% off a poor C&P as I just lost my job and am relying heavily on it to keep afloat. -most of my previous ratings were rated back in 2010 -some of the things I applied for I had been recieving treatment at the VA for already -I have two tours both combat all documented -I submitted my claim 11/14 it moved to step 5 11/18 sat at step 5 until today 3/19 moved to step 6,7,8 within a few hours. -my private DBQs were done by licensed docs verifiable and in person. -I was never contacted to schedule a C&P
I feel like such a weight is off me now I can’t even beleive it still, Honestly I I I wasn’t even thinking I’d get SMC or even wanted it so I was blessed with even more than I wanted. 🙏 best of luck to everyone else on here.
Can’t believe it. This literally just changed my life. Notes about my claim
-I used a third party I was already at 80%, everything I submitted for was already service connected the reason I chose third party was I could not risk losing my 80% off a poor C&P as I just lost my job and am relying heavily on it to keep afloat. -most of my previous ratings were rated back in 2010 -some of the things I applied for I had been recieving treatment at the VA for already -I have two tours both combat all documented -I submitted my claim 11/14 it moved to step 5 11/18 sat at step 5 until today 3/19 moved to step 6,7,8 within a few hours. -my private DBQs were done by licensed docs verifiable and in person. -I was never contacted to schedule a C&P
I feel like such a weight is off me now I can’t even beleive it still, Honestly I I I wasn’t even thinking I’d get SMC or even wanted it so I was blessed with even more than I wanted. 🙏 best of luck to everyone else on here.