Gathering Uveitis Statistics for everyone in the group
Hi, I am an industrial engineer (specialised in statistics and data analysis) and i focused big part of my career studying biology and medical sciences, also I suffer from Uveitis. My goal with this post is to get uveitis information from the people that is in this group to feel more confident about my treatment and embracing this disease, as well as having first hand information. As you know this treatments are expensive and I want to get as informed as you might me.
- Age
- How many episodes have you suffered?
- What are the episodes' average duration?
- What have you noticed as a triggerer of your episodes?
- What medical treatments were offered to you?
- What is the separation of time between each episode?
- Do you currently take any treatment?
- How do you project your vision quality in the future years?
Thanks for your time!
I will post the results with graphs and descriptions when the rate of response to this post goes low.