My personal experience with Jenna Wright
My experience with Jenna online: I had followed her for years. I enjoyed her decor content, and who didn’t love White Shanty Home? Something about her changed quickly during Covid. I did my best to ignore her personal beliefs (because she’s allowed to have them) until she began to talk about the dangers our children are with access to the world via their phones. Now, I agree with that to a degree, but her specific fear was child trafficking. At the time, she truly believed children were being kidnapped and trafficked. Now, I’m in the ‘security industry’ so I thought I’d share with her some facts. She had a large platform, it could be useful … facts I mean. 😆. I shared with her via private messaging. One example I gave was statistically her children are at a higher risk being molested by someone they know, not a stranger on the internet. That enraged her! I was bombarded with so much misinformation in an argumentative tone. I responded with what I do for a living, and was just wanted to ‘add to the conversation.’ She reprimanded me by ending the convo with ‘next time you want to add to the convo try doing it without correcting someone’ then blocked me. Meanwhile, I have developed a very nice, kind and respectful internet ‘relationship’ with her mother-in-law. Ha. When she recently resurfaced online I was shocked to see a texted she shared from her son. Clearly he now has a phone. Maybe she’s evolved. Maybe she’s just a hypocrite.