The absurd math resulting in cheap 600W chargers
Semi-recently very many ports 300,400,600W chargers have shown up for cheap and it has been bothering me for a while and I decided to actually look. Look at this image:
If you add up the maximums you can get if you charge a single device then it's 600W. But, once again, that's when you charge a single device -- and that single device never gets more than 140W. That's like saying you can park four cars in a single bay because a white, a red, a green and a blue car fits. Just not the same time.
It never goes substantially above 140W either, it tops out at 65W + 45W + 30W + 15W = 155W. Further, if the lower five ports have at least two devices plugged in then all five ports share that 15W.
That's what this is in reality: a 155W charger with a lot of ports, most of them are only usable for charging small devices.
And of course, no safety cert.