Ureaplasma Parvum advice
I was wondering if anyone could provide insight on what course of action to take for an ureaplasma parvum diagnosis.
Back story:
For two years, I have been experiencing lingering issues of odor. No other symptoms at this point. The odor is chemical-like and thus very strong. I believe it is coming from my urine. All STD test have been negative. I have gotten well over 5 check ups within this 2 year period and have never had a reoccurrence of BV nor a Yeast infection. In the absence of the one time occurrence of BV and the yeast infection, my ph-balance has been tested and ruled normal by my OBGYN.
Recently, I further advocated for the Ureaplasma PCR test after being denied about a year ago. And the only strain that I tested positive for was “ureaplasma parvum.” I also tested positive for UP through a urine test.
In my area, Dr’s are not very educated on ureaplasma so they brush it off and advise that medicine like “Doxycycline” should not be taken. They also say that they doubt ureaplasma parvum is the reason for the odor because “odor isn’t usually a symptom for this particular strain.”
DID ANYONE ELSE HAVE AN ISSUE WITH ODOR (possibly from urine) with their ureaplasma parvum (UP) diagnosis or ureaplasma in general?
If anyone would be willing to help me go about this and give advice/share experiences especially with regard to the ureaplasma parvum strain, I would be very appreciative! Thank you!