I wonder what's going to happen next?

I wonder if you're going to read and be like is shit he's back in reddit. I am and for a good reason. You need to leave me alone now lady if you want me to not want any part of you around. You already have my neighbors trying to harass me now and they don't even know the story. You have my work watching me, my phone being viewed. My Internet being hacked. When are you going to stop? When will it come to the realization that if you keep going this route I'm going to fucking hate you? Come on all you have to do is leave me alone too but you're not. You need to realize that I'm trying. So stop with the pettiness. Leave me be. I'll do the same. If you really love me like you said you did for 15 years you'd stop this right now and just tell them to stop. You're not proving anything by harassing me.Just making yourself look crazy.