This is what we do

When people become close, we will hurt each other. It's important to take care of each other.

Pulls out med kit

It's important to tend to the person who really needs it most first and it sounds like that is you.

Attends to your wounds and begins cleaning them

A long time ago, there were two ghosts that grew up not realizing who they really were. They always thought they were ghosts because that's all they remembered. They had forgotten. They went about life as they could. Finding little joys in things, but not fully understanding the deep hurts they were carrying.

They met lots of people along their way. Some who were kind and helpful. Some who were a lot of fun and were a great distraction. Some who hurt and added to the scars. And some doing a little bit of everything.

Prepares gauze and wrappings

These ghosts happened across each other one day. This story is known very well. One ghost created it and it was a story that they retold each other a handful of times before everything happened.

As time went on, there were lots of things happening in one ghost's world that the other was not told. There were lots of things that the other ghost wondered about, but seeing stormy clouds slowly coming was ominous.

Lots of things happened that both ghosts said they never wanted to happen. The bad things that had happened in both ghosts lives made it next to impossible to make different decisions. They both tried to fight through it, but very powerful things were at play that were beyond them. Both ghosts were shattered by this.

Begins bandaging your wounds

Both ghosts were so lost and confused and had to deal with things that they never should have had to deal with alone. Sadly, they can't change what happened. They can only keep the promise they made to each other long before.

Under a starry sky, they both realized in a deep knowing, not knowing way that something big would happen. They made a promise that if something went awry and separated them, that they would find their way back to each other.

Meeting again has been a challenge. But neither of them have given up because they love each other very much. And because they love each other as much as they do, they know that it is essential to attend to wounds and repair. So, that is what will be.

Wound care completed for now