Tomorrow’s show

After two weeks of “no contact “ time, you asked me if I am still up for the show tomorrow. You said I didn’t wanna breakup but you need time and space. I gave you that. And tomorrow we are going to the show together. I really want to text you today and tell you I am so looking forward to seeing you. I miss you so much although your silence in the last two weeks hurt me so much. Tomorrow I will pretend nothing happened between us and talk with you as I did before. We already had so much distance so I don’t want to be distant, although I was so hurt. But one thing, I will wear lipstick. If you ask me why, I will tell you I wanna feel beautiful. But the real reason is if you don’t wanna kiss me, I would comfort myself it’s because of the lipstick, not because you don’t want me. Please, help me break the distance. If there is 100 steps between us, I am willing to walk 99 steps, please walk just one step for me, for us. Just one step, one kiss, me with lipstick.