Hey stranger, how you’ve been?

Hey stranger, how have you been?

It’s been roughy 4 months since I saw you on the bus. I remember the first time I saw you one April morning, on my way to class- was it the day of the earthquake? I’m pretty sure it was.

You looked at me, your hood of your jacket over your head. Your lanyard with your college’s name reminds me that I am still so young. Fresh out of a premature completion of a bachelor’s degree, now taking the same way I used to go to school to my 9-5. It feels surreal- having bigger responsibilities, yet my friends are still interns or working at the local grocery store. It’s not that I’m not that girl next door anymore, I always will be at heart.

I know you don’t even know me, my name, my age, my occupation. Just that small gal that finally rode the bus with you again today. But, you are a reminder of how far I’ve came, and I’m not scared to move towards the next chapter of my life.

So, hey stranger. I hope you are doing well. Don’t work so hard, have fun and live life to the fullest- I’ll do the same.