I wonder

I wonder, do you keep thinking about me? You have now seen clear as day at how I look at you. Do you get the same warm feelings you are giving me?

It messes with my head so much man. I know I’m not ready for anything yet. You deserve the world, the sun and all the stars. Until I’m ready to offer it to you, I know you will live in my head rentfree. It doesn’t mean that everything I do will be for you. The exact opposite is true. While I’m working on myself I’m thinking of you, always.

I’ve seen the way you have looked at me. Of course it is all different now. Now it’s your turn to see me look at you like that. I noticed from the start, how your face just lit up when I looked back. How your voice was different. You don’t need to be afraid, just let it happen to you. Just let me happen to you. One day, we’ll get there. And I’m not in a hurry at all. I get a sense you feel the same. There is absolutely to need to rush it all. Only time will tell. And oh boy have I told the time, I’ll wait for you, maybe even longer than you can imagine. We are still young, and I can’t wait to ask you out when I feel the timing is right. To hug you so tight and kiss your sweet and handsome face again.