Jan 27 .

So tomorrow would have been two years . And as much I wanna kiss you and hold you and he with you . Tell you how much I love you and wanna be with you til my last breath .. I know it’s the wrong thing Becus I’d just be letting you get away with the lying, the cheating , the accusing me of shit when I wasn’t doing anything . Don’t get me wrong at the end I messed up to . But I was tired . Tired of the constant complaining you did about me . Tired of the no matter what I did it was never enough . Becus I never won with you . Ever time I changed things you didn’t like you always thought I wasn’t against hiding things .. how was that fair . And when I wanted you to heal and change your toxic way you said I was correcting you . You never saw my point of view . And everything I said your twist and say something completely different then what I was referring to . No matter how much I love you and I wanna be with you .. it just got so tiring and draining and I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t have space either cus then “I didn’t love you” you always made me feel so bad for wanting space or shitty when you accused me of something I wasn’t doing .. I’m so disappointed that I let it get so far .. but in my heart and in my soul every tear was real , every I love you was real , every fucken feeling and emotional I felt was real . But now I question myself if it was ever real to you . If you ever actually loved me .. or was it just your plan to use me until you couldn’t anymore . Until you left me high and dry until you were absolutely fucken done with me .. it pains me to know that you probably did lie .. but I have no control over that and you will not have control or access To me anymore .. I love you with the depth of my soul but I have to let you go .. becus clearly it wasn’t gunna get any better and clearly you were never gunna really value me . But I love you and I hope one day you see that I just wanted what’s best for you , for us , and for our daughters … I hope you know will always love you 🐝🤍

Sincerely, You’re favorite headache..