The Disapperance of Bertha Lee Sistrunk, last seen walking a mile from home in her robe

Bertha Lee Sistrunk, a resident of Fairmont, West Virginia, USA has been missing since September 2020. She was 78 years old at the time of her disappearance, and her nephew described his aunt to local news media as a fiercely independent woman who liked to cook Southern cuisine for her family.

On September 28, 2020, Ms. Sistrunk was dropped off at her home in the 300 block of Bridge Street in Fairmont around 6 PM, after being discharged from WVU Hospital. At some point that evening, she left home and walked across the High Level Bridge to the Dowtown area, where she was seen by a witness around 8 PM.

Shortly before 9 PM, a 911 call was made reporting an older woman walking on Ogden Avenue in the vicinity of Windmill Park, as the caller was concerned that she may need help. Police arrived to find Ms. Sistrunk walking back in the direction of downtown on Ogden Avenue (approximately 1 mile from her home). The officers spoke to her, and felt she was oriented and seemed fine, despite the fact that she was reportedly wearing a robe, socks (apparently with no shoes), and a nightcap. She indicated that she was walking home and declined assistance. Ms. Sistrunk was never seen again.

Police conducted ground and water searches, arial searches via drone, and searches using a canine unit, with nothing found. Remains similar to Ms. Sistrunk’s description were found in an overgrown area in 2022, but it does not seem they were ever confirmed to belong to her.

Ms. Sistrunk’s nephew did report some concerns about her cognitive function, telling local news media that she was cognizant and independently functioning, but was beginning to have some memory issues. He felt that his aunt was going to need more supportive care in the near future. He also felt it was very out of character for her to have walked downtown, particularly with how she was reportedly dressed.

She was last seen wearing a pink and blue robe, blue nightcap, and socks - however, there are some conflicting witness accounts that report her wearing khaki pants or dark orange and khaki pants, a black and white printed/floral shirt, a purple sweater, and/or a blue-green or tan jacket.

Bertha Lee Sistrunk is an African American woman with brown eyes and black hair who usually wears a wig. She is 5’5”and was 160lbs at the time of her disappearance. She was 78 years old when she went missing, and would be 82 years old today. She is dearly missed by her family and her community. If you have any information, please contact the Fairmont Police Department in Fairmont, WV.

Why was Ms. Sistrunk walking over 1 mile away from her home in a robe and socks? Why didn’t police try harder to get her home safely? Was she suffering from more severe dementia than her family realized? Could she have met with foul play? Why are the witness descriptions of her clothing so inconsistent?

My heart goes out to Ms. Sistrunk's family and friends.
