Which Witcher Set?
So I’m currently at base for the military without any of the rest of my Unmatched stuff. I figured it’d be cool to get one of the new Witcher sets that released while I was in BMT, but since no one here (that I know of) already plays Unmatched, I’m wondering which set would be better to get for myself (who is rusty) and for introducing other players. We do have a lot of MTG players here, so I don’t think I’d have too much trouble explaining the game to people. I will say, I LOVE how the Leshen looks. The mini, card art, and overall design appeal a lot to me as a Bloodborne fan. I just think the play style looks kinda weird. Eredin in the other set also looks awesome to me, so I don’t think I could go wrong with either set, but I was wondering what others think.