All Basic Latin Characters with descriptions!

Codepoint Name Glyph Description
U+000000 Null <not renderable> [NUL] Null character. Used in C to end a string.
U+000001 Start of Heading <not renderable> [SOH]. Is used in message transmission to delimit the start of a message header.
U+000002 Start of Text <not renderable> [STX]. The first character of message text.
U+000003 End of Text <not renderable> [ETX]. Delimits the end of the main text of a message.
U+000004 End of Transmission <not renderable> [EOT]. Delimits the end of a transmitted message.
U+000005 Enquiry <not renderable> [ENQ] Signal intended to trigger a response at the receiving end, to see if it is still present.
U+000006 Acknowledge <not renderable> [ACK] Response to an ENQ, or an indication of successful receipt of a message.
U+000007 Bell <not renderable> [BEL] Used for a beep on systems that had no physical bell.
U+000008 BACKSPACE <not renderable> [BS] Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
U+000009 HORIZONTAL TABULATION <not renderable> [HT] Position to the next character tab stop.
U+00000A LINE FEED [LF] Adds a line break that makes the cursor stay at the same column
U+00000B VERTICAL TABULATION <not renderable> [VT] Position the form at the next line tab stop.
U+00000C FORM FEED <not renderable> [FF] Loads the next page on printers. Used as a white space in programming.
U+00000D CARRIAGE RETURN [CR] Adds a line break.
U+00000E SHIFT OUT <not renderable> [SO] Switch to an alternative character set.
U+00000F SHIFT IN <not renderable> [SI] Return to regular character set after Shift Out.
U+000010 DATA LINK ESCAPE <i dont wanna type this> [DLE] Cause a limited number of contiguously following octets to be interpreted in some different way, for example as raw data (as opposed to control codes or graphic characters). The details of this are implementation dependent.
U+000011 DEVICE CONTROL ONE Reserved for device control
U+000012 DEVICE CONTROL TWO Reserved for device control
U+000013 DEVICE CONTROL THREE Reserved for device control
U+000014 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR Reserved for device control
U+000015 NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE Sent by a station as a negative response to the station with which the connection has been set up.
U+000016 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE Used in synchronous transmission systems to provide a signal from which synchronous correction may be achieved between data terminal equipment, particularly when no other character is being transmitted.
U+000017 END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK Indicates the end of a transmission block of data when data are divided into such blocks for transmission purposes.
U+000018 CANCEL Indicates that the data preceding it are in error or are to be disregarded.
U+000019 END OF MEDIUM Intended as means of indicating on paper or magnetic tapes that the end of the usable portion of the tape had been reached.
U+00001A SUBSTITUTE Intended for use as a transmission control character to indicate that garbled or invalid characters had been received.
U+00001B ESCAPE The Esc key on the keyboard will cause this character to be sent on most systems.
U+00001C INFORMATION SEPARATOR FOUR Used as delimiters to mark fields of data structures.
U+00001D INFORMATION SEPARATOR THREE Used as delimiters to mark fields of data structures.
U+00001E INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO Used as delimiters to mark fields of data structures.
U+00001F INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE Used as delimiters to mark fields of data structures.
U+000020 SPACE Used to separate words.
U+000021 EXCLAMATION MARK ! Punctuation mark - Makes someone shout.
U+000022 QUOTATION MARK " Punctuation mark - Quotes an important speech or message.
U+000023 NUMBER SIGN # Punctuation mark - Used for numbered lists.
U+000024 DOLLAR SIGN $ Currency sign - American Dollar.
U+000025 PERCENT SIGN % Punctuation mark - Used to indicate a percentage, fraction of 100.
U+000026 AMPERSAND & Punctuation mark - Symbol for and.
U+000027 APOSTROPHE ' Punctuation mark - Marks the removal of some letters, for example, do not - don't
U+000028 LEFT PARENTHESIS ( Used to start the enclosure of a sentence or paragraph.
U+000029 RIGHT PARENTHESIS ) Used to end the enclosure of a sentence or paragraph.
U+00002A ASTERISK * Used to correct typos, censor swear words, or calling out a footnote.
U+00002B PLUS SIGN + Used to add numbers together.
U+00002C COMMA , Used to signify a short break between words.
U+00002D HYPHEN-MINUS - Used as a hyphen, and a minus.
U+00002E FULL STOP . Used to signify the end of a sentence and a long break.
U+00002F SOLIDUS / Used to represent division and fractions, or as a date separator.
U+000030 DIGIT ZERO 0 A number that signifies nothing.
U+000031 DIGIT ONE 1 Number.
U+000032 DIGIT TWO 2 Number.
U+000033 DIGIT THREE 3 Number.
U+000034 DIGIT FOUR 4 Number.
U+000035 DIGIT FIVE 5 Number.
U+000036 DIGIT SIX 6 Number.
U+000037 DIGIT SEVEN 7 Number.
U+000038 DIGIT EIGHT 8 Number.
U+000039 DIGIT NINE 9 Number.
U+00003A COLON : Precedes a list or an explanation. Confused with a major part of the large intestine.
U+00003B SEMICOLON ; Joins two ideas in a sentence.
U+00003C LESS-THAN SIGN < Signifies that the number to the left is smaller than the one on the right.
U+00003D EQUALS SIGN = Symbol that signifies the result of an equation, or that the number on the left is the same as the number on the right.
U+00003E GREATER-THAN SIGN > Signiifies that the number to the left is larger than the one on the right.
U+00003F QUESTION MARK ? Signifies a question.
U+000040 COMMERCIAL AT @ Used in email addresses and social media handles.
U+000041 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A A 1st letter of the English alphabet.
U+000042 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B B 2nd letter of the English alphabet.
U+000043 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C C 3rd letter of the English alphabet.
U+000044 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D D 4th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000045 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E E 5th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000046 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F F 6th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000047 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G G 7th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000048 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H H 8th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000049 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I I 9th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00004A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J J 10th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00004B LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K K 11th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00004C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L L 12th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00004D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M M 13th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00004E LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N N 14th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00004F LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O O 15th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000050 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P P 16th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000051 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q Q 17th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000052 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R R 18th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000053 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S S 19th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T T 20th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000055 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U U 21st letter of the English alphabet.
U+000056 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V V 22nd letter of the English alphabet.
U+000057 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W W 23rd letter of the English alphabet.
U+000058 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X X 24th letter of the English alphabet.
U+000059 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y Y 25th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z Z 26th letter of the English alphabet.
U+00005B LEFT SQUARE BRACKET [ Used to insert explanatory material.
U+00005C REVERSE SOLIDUS \ Used in computing.
U+00005D RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET ] Used to insert explanatory material.
U+00005E CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT ^ Retained on loanwords, not used much in English
U+00005F LOW LINE _ Line drawn under a segment of text.
U+000060 GRAVE ACCENT ` Can indicate pitch, stress, or other features.
U+000061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A a Small version of the letter A.
U+000062 LATIN SMALL LETTER B b Small version of the letter B
U+000063 LATIN SMALL LETTER C c Small version of the letter C
U+000064 LATIN SMALL LETTER D d Small version of the letter D
U+000065 LATIN SMALL LETTER E e Small version of the letter E
U+000066 LATIN SMALL LETTER F f Small version of the letter F
U+000067 LATIN SMALL LETTER G g Small version of the letter G
U+000068 LATIN SMALL LETTER H h Small version of the letter H
U+000069 LATIN SMALL LETTER I i Small version of the letter I
U+00006A LATIN SMALL LETTER J j Small version of the letter J
U+00006B LATIN SMALL LETTER K k Small version of the letter K
U+00006C LATIN SMALL LETTER L l Small version of the letter L
U+00006D LATIN SMALL LETTER M m Small version of the letter M
U+00006E LATIN SMALL LETTER N n Small version of the letter N
U+00006F LATIN SMALL LETTER O o Small version of the letter O
U+000070 LATIN SMALL LETTER P p Small version of the letter P
U+000071 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q q Small version of the letter Q
U+000072 LATIN SMALL LETTER R r Small version of the letter R
U+000073 LATIN SMALL LETTER S s Small version of the letter S
U+000074 LATIN SMALL LETTER T t Small version of the letter T
U+000075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U u Small version of the letter U
U+000076 LATIN SMALL LETTER V v Small version of the letter V
U+000077 LATIN SMALL LETTER W w Small version of the letter W
U+000078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X x Small version of the letter X
U+000079 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y y Small version of the letter Y
U+00007A LATIN SMALL LETTER Z z Small version of the letter Z
U+00007B LEFT CURLY BRACKET { Mostly not used
U+00007D RIGHT CURLY BRACKET } Mostly not used
U+00007E TILDE ~ Used in mathematics to say that a number is approximate, for example "I have ~400,000 subs"
U+00007F DELETE Does nothing, erases incorrect characters