Does/did anyone else have no clue about what to do during first year?

In terms of work, I am fine but everything just goes by so fast.

I have not made a single friend yet, just people who I say hi to when I see them but otherwise they have no interest in meeting outside of classes or uni. Even in society events, everyone already comes with friends they have made or just want to add you on social media for a new follower but don’t actually want to initiate plans outside of uni. I also don’t drink and smoke, which significantly limit the amount of activities I can get involved in as most people just want to go clubbing or partying. I also don’t live in halls so cant meet people through them.

Because some people have parents or siblings who went to university already, they seem to know what things to apply for and when and how to network and advance academically and career wise.

Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to improve my experience at university or just navigate better? Or if someone else is also experiencing the same or similar things?