Undertale: The Tale of the Fourth

Hello everyone. Thanks to Undertale Yellow, my Undertale phase has come back with a vengeance, this time accompanied by a newfound appreciation for prequels. I'm aware there are several Undertale Purple concepts already out there, but I had any idea of my own and figured I might as well share in the hopes that some might be entertained.

Just to be clear: there no plans to make an actual game out of this. I'm not an artist or composer, nor do I have the dedication to make something so vast, so the best I'll do is a guidebook and possibly some fanfiction. I hope this will be enjoyable regardless.

Without any further waffle, allow me to introduce Undertale: The Tale of the Fourth.

Summary: This is a prequel to both Undertale and Undertale Yellow following Nadine, the fourth human to enter the Underground since Asgore declared war on humanity, whose soul shines with the trait of PERSEVERANCE. It takes place over a decade before Undertale Yellow, exploring regions in both the Underground and the Surface. Join this young heroine as she attempts to unravel an ancient mystery and lift a curse placed upon Mt Ebott. Secrets will be revealed and the feud between humans and monsters brought to light as Nadine is caught between the fearsome Captain of the Royal Guard and the hateful echoes of an army once powerful enough to shatter time, each seeking the other's total destruction.

Now, for some actual content.

The Legend of Humans and Monsters

Legends say that humanity once shared the Earth with another race - a race more unusual than anything else in existence, for whom magic flowed in place of blood. 

A race known only as the MONSTERS.

In the beginning, they lived in harmony with our kind, dazzling us with their mystical ways and ancient knowledge. 

But as time passed, the monsters grew envious.

They realised that our strength exceeded theirs and sought to claim this power through war.

Most agree that these legends are just that: legends. If monsters ever did exist, they are long gone now, along with their enchanted kingdom. 


Mt Ebott…

Decades ago, a creature of myth and nightmare descended from this mountain, carrying the corpse of an unknown human child. 

Though it was driven back up the perilous slope, the demon placed a terrible curse on the land that has since claimed three more innocent children.

This ancient mystery remains unsolved to this day.