Secondary xuls literally used to make us learn 16 subjects from S.1 to S.2...was this even normal 💀? I don't know how they changed things but I hope it changed

For context ,these were the subjects ... students were required to drop some later in S.3 1.Math 2.Physics 3.Chemistry 4.English 5.Literature 6.Kiswahili 7. Luganda 8.Agricultire 9.Entreprenuership 10 .Commerce 11.Music 12.Computer 13.Art 14.Geography 15.History 16.Art theory

Not to mention, some of these subjects were divided into two or three ..with practicals inclusive for science subjects...examined differently 💀...we were required to wake up at 4am... prepare so that by 5am we are in class for morning preps ... evening from 7pm upto 9pm evening preps .... Weekend we study as well...though not intense like week days ...this routine 💔...

I just woke up and randomly thought...yoh what were we studying...what was this 👐 .... anyone who can relate...😭😭 ...

I have grown up and I feel this was abnormal, am I the only one who thinks it was out of logic ?