Perhaps we all worship the same God.
One evening as I had dinner, it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps we all worshiped the same God or deities. Same God, different names. We all know every religion or belief system believes in a supreme God and creator. Each tribe or people had a name for the deities they worshipped and it was almost universal as we find similaties in their traits. In the good book, the angel of war is called Micheal, the Peruvian god of war among the inca was called Illapa, Among the Igbo people in Nigeria it was Ekwensu, the Greek had Ares, the Roman's Mars and among the Baganda in Uganda it was Kibuuka. In the past when merchants traveled to distant lands to trade, they always asked for the name of particular dieties in the lands they'd entered so they could go worship them or pray to them for safety and success in their trades. I believe the religious conquests weren't aimed at the spread of religion but like John 10:10 says, to steal, kill and destroy. They turned good men into slaves, raped them in front of family to break them and turn them into submissive creatures, conquered lands and forced their tribal beliefs down people's throats. What they found weren't godless people.