WTF? Deactivated for "sexual misconduct or assault."
So I've been driving for a few years just for extra income -- rating is usually 95-99%. As of now it was 95%.
All of a sudden I couldn't log in today; it said my account was deactivated. I contacted support, and they told me it was due to a "safety issue." And they sent me some links. I clicked the links and it showed I was deactivated due to "sexual misconduct or assault." WTF?
It just came out of nowhere and I'm completely confused. I did like two deliveries earlier this week -- they tipped, and no negative feedback.
Possible theories:
- An error on Uber's part -- possibly they meant to deactivate another driver for this reason, but perhaps chose my name out of any reason from a typo by an employee to a similar name.
- A vindictive customer who didn't like the way the order was delivered made up a story. The last time I recall a negative rating was like 6 weeks ago... a customer ordered from CVS, and the door code they supplied wasn't working to their apartment building. I tried contacting them but received no answer, then alerted them that the food would be left outside the main entrance. Then I later see negative feedback with claims they didn't receive it, plus the tip rescinded.
Has anyone heard of these deactivations in error -- especially something as serious as "assault" or "sexual misconduct"? Normally I can see ignoring it and moving on if there's no reinstatement, but these are serious charges, and I think they're allowed to share this with other employers. So even if the appeal doesn't go through, I would think one should take legal action. And I'm someone who never takes legal action as the court system is just something I try to avoid, but companies shouldn't be allowed to make such false claims about people.
EDIT: Also noticed I can't use the regular Uber Eats app for ordering food either. I did order food a couple times this week (for pickup). I doubt restaurant employees would just make up something like this but who knows.