A non-designer managing a small design team?

AHi everyone! I wanted to ask for your honest professional opinion.

In my company I started out as a Product Owner of some internal products, which were already getting old and needed to be redesigned and relaunched. The company didn't have any design team at that time, so I was tasked with looking for designers, getting them on board and redesigning the tools at hand.

2 years later the team has grown to 2 Senior UX/UI designers and 1 Senior UI Designer. With their help we started and grew a design library in Figma and have already went through several redesigns of different bigger and smaller internal products (managed by different POs - not all by me).

Since I was the one initially in charge of the team, I kinda stayed in charge of it. Last year there was a restructuring and I was designated by the management to be officially the team lead. I am perfectly fine with that - I love my team, I think the design system is great and the team is doing amazing work. However, they are all seniors and don't really need any big input from me.

And here comes the question: How do you feel about being managed by non-designers?

A bit of context about me: I don't have any design background at all. I have never designed anything, let alone a whole product and design system. However, I am definitely very deep into the whole problem space where we are solving and understand the value that we are bringing. I know my way around Figma and know everything that is going on. From my Product Owner experience I know the dev teams, I know how our backend works and also the whole process of how a Figma design is being turned into an actual product. I know how to bring people together and make decisions in the right place. I am a friend of a hands-off style management and trust my designers to get things done in the best way they can. I don't have personal 1:1s with them ... they are all freelancers, but I treat them as a part of the company.

Still there is a part of me that is wondering, if this can work out well in the long term as the team keeps growing. My main duty is making sure that the team does not become a bottle neck - i.e. the work gets spread out evenly and new designers are being hired on time, in case needed. I am not expected to be a driving force in the design per se. Also I am the one keeping the overall vision centered around why we started out needing designers in the first place. I understand why our company needs them and where we want to be in the future and can say which decisions make sense according to that road. For now things are working out perfectly fine and there is no friction in the team. A big part of that is due to the fact, that the designers are very experienced and are let free to do what they love. They are making a big contribution doing what they love and are not being micro managed by anyone.

Any tips? Any personal professional experiences?