I hate disrespectful junior Marines
So I had just spent a long time in the field with no hot showers and I really wanted a honey bun. Unfortunately I only had a ten dollar bill and the vending machine didn’t take tens.
Anyways, I went to the guys cleaning weapons and asked if they had any change. Some fucking Lance Corporal had the audacity to get up and call me “bro” as if I wasn’t a Second Lieutenant with a college degree in Horticulture! Naturally I correct the Marine, and all of a sudden nobody has any cash to make change for me anymore.
Naturally, I went to my NCOs and they promised me they would fix it. After weapon-cleaning I watched the whole platoon police call in the rain for three hours and then made them stand in a school circle for another while I went into detail about customs and courtesies and lessons I learned at TBS and Logistics Officer Course.
The company commander thinks I wasn’t harsh enough. What do you guys think?