How would you rate your teams transfer window?

It's pretty simple. Just rate your teams window a 1 to 10

I'll start with my team of New Mexico united and I'd say...8/10. We've brought in some pretty good players from the MLS with experience and one who used to play in Europe...and failed but still. Our new coach has been spending basically nothing on them too. All free transfers to my knowledge

Anyways, that's my team done. What about y'all's clubs?

It's pretty simple. Just rate your teams window a 1 to 10

I'll start with my team of New Mexico united and I'd say...8/10. We've brought in some pretty good players from the MLS with experience and one who used to play in Europe...and failed but still. Our new coach has been spending basically nothing on them too. All free transfers to my knowledge

Anyways, that's my team done. What about y'all's clubs?