Formal reasoning and analysis requirement fulfilled by AP credit/class
Hi all,
I was curious as to whether someone can answer my question about the formal reasoning and analysis requirement. I (C/O 2026) got AP credit for AP calc BC upon entering the college, and took CHEM 1012 as a class here (which requires MATH 1300 as a co-requisite).
According to the Formal Reasoning tab on Penn's website, I should theoretically be getting credit for this sector: "students in the Class of 2027 or earlier who receive credit for MATH 1400 (MATH 104 prior to Summer 2022) in either of these ways and who take any Arts and Sciences course that has calculus as a prerequisite or co-requisite may use that course to fulfill the Formal Reasoning and Analysis Requirement." (link:
However, my advisor has been giving me wishy washy answers on whether I could get credit through this way, so I wanted to reach out on here and see if anyone encountered this problem or has advice on the situation. Thanks so much!