How do you deal with people asking you stuff outside of your knowledge base?

my father is in education department, he deals with teachers, professors, principals, etc. there’s was this retired professor and principal of some university near my home. he called me and asked me about exams, about my bachelors, did i pursue masters, did i give OPSC that was conducted recently etc etc,

he then asked me the plural of stadium, i said ‘stadiums’ he said wrong, he asked me to convert this following sentence into negative form “he climbed the tree” i answered “he did not climb the tree” again wrong, another question was on a quote, the ‘miles to go before i sleep’ , from which poem is it? whose quote is that?, i could not answer. again another question to convert into negative, “as soon as he reached the station, the train started leaving.” this one i got somewhat correct. he had recited a poem and asked me whose it was, i did not know that as well. and many other questions as well(to test my intellect i guess). there goes my image as an aspirant(and as an english hons. graduate), before my father and the retired principal cum professor, i thought. he then wished me luck and cut the call.

How do you tell someone that you cannot know everything under the sun, and all of this was on a call, so i did not have much time to even process the question. this got me feeling FOMO, as prelims is approaching and i don’t know so many things.

how do you react when facing questions like this and questions on gs, and you could not tell the answer because you had not revised that chapter. how do you console yourself after such a session of someone grinding your intellect.

and people who have appeared the interview, can we expect these type of questions in interview as well?