NSCI Major - CHEM Sequence + Classes to take along side - Easy classes?

Opinions for after CHEM 102.

What you clicked on this reddit feed for:

I have taken 101, 102 - I must take 241 and 261/262 at some point ... is it worth doing orgo or analytical first... should I wait for fall/spring back to back for orgo 1/2?


What easy classes (A's without too much effort) are reccomended to be taken alongside harder courses? I took a SOCI class last semester, no final, barely any work - it was just a show up for an A, while writing some essays...

I enjoy STEM, even find my entire schedule filled with 80% STEM, but I am running out of "easier" stem courses.


Sort of random:

PSYC 210/ 270 - what is the rigor for these courses-- reccomendations for professors? How about BIOL 103 I realize I have not done this...


Mini life story, feel free to skip.

Overall, have a lot of courses I need to do, mainly stacking research and teaching to get my credits, while picking off coureses and taking summer courses to ease the load... I guess I am scared to overload because I took 8 classes my first semester, then did 17 credit hours second - but... they were mostly fluff.. only 2 hard classes. Second semester was way better...

I am about halfway done with all the coureses I need to graduate with NSCI/PSYC/CHEM minor, and happy with the GPA... I just really don't want to mess with it - I know if I have enough time to study, I will study and do well.. but thats granted time, since I have a lot of responsibilities outside of school.

I've got everything in excel, just never sure what fits together.


The main question:

Appologies for this long reddit post... basically... what have your favorite professors/class pairings been at your time at UNC, and what do you feel is the best path to progressing at a steady rate?