Why will nobody hire me?

I’m 28 years old, I have 5 years retail experience, managed a busy cocktail bar in central London for 2 years, worked as a warehouse associate during lockdown to continue working. I made a big decision at the beginning of this year to go self employed, I had a job lined up working for myself with a client that would set me up. Everything looked good and was lining up perfectly. The job fell through due to a lack of budget on the clients part, my mother passed away and I fell into a bit of a pit. I’ve been working self employed for a year now but only been making a couple hundred pound a week and been mostly skating on my savings. My savings have started to run low so I’ve been applying to jobs.. hundreds of them. I started looking at managerial roles and creative jobs but when I wasn’t getting anywhere lowered my expectations. I’ve applied for everything. Bartending, serving, stock rooms, retail, supermarkets. Literally every job post I see I’m capable of doing. And not a single interview. 250 applications. I’m completely stumped. I never had an issue getting jobs before this and I’ve worked since I was 16. I’ve had plenty of people take a look at my CV and they all agree it’s great. I’ve got more than enough relevant experience for these jobs that 18 year olds fresh out of school manage to get. It’s really starting to beat me down and in a couple months my savings would have completely run out and I won’t be able to pay rent. Does anyone have any advice? Any good recruitment agencies or suggestions? Im based in London