I asked the professor….
Idk about anyone else but I really hate when I ask the Professor a question, either after class one-on-one or raise my hand during lecture and one of my classmates butts in for the professor and starts answering and tries to be a smart ass. Like the professor is talking and they really think I asked THEM? For one it is super annoying and like really? We are supposed to be adults. Literally 4 twits in my math class have done this multiple times to me, even the professor is like ummm they cut me off or even the professor and talk over him when I asked a question, I have even had people in this class and others reach over me in line to point/touch my iPad while I am asking the professor a question after class… like wtf? I also tell them “sorry I have to hear it from the professor” but damn, these freshman and sophomores don’t get it. Like okay you got into ucsd congrats, newsflash……we ALL got in here, it’s not high school, it’s not show and tell time to look good in front of the professor. ALSO PSA, if you are going to talk during class please go google what a whisper is like omg shut up I can’t even hear the professor! Some of these people really don’t understand how rude they are. My same math professor waited 2 min just for these two girls to shut up so he could start and they started talking again!