Someone bit me and now I feel sick

Last month, I was seeing this girl and one night, we were getting really into it when she bit my neck hard enough to draw blood. I (understandably) got really upset at her for this, and we stopped seeing each other a little bit after that.

Now, I don't know if it's correlated, but a few days later, I started feeling really weird. Like, sickly weird. I'd been having the worst body aches, and I hadn't really been able to eat. It's not that I'm not hungry; in fact, I feel like I'm starving, but the thought of eating anything makes me feel more nauseous than I do having not eaten properly in a while. I used to treat myself to that Western Family garlic bread after a midterm, but the last time I tried to eat it, I felt like it was burning my insides, which sucks ass because that stuff was one of my favourite snacks :( I've also been getting really intense chills but that could be my body reacting to less nutrition. Also, because of this, I've gotten like, noticeably paler, which is making my friends really concerned.

It's just been getting worse recently. I started getting this rash on my arm in the afternoon, but it's normally gone by nighttime. I've also had pretty bad toothaches recently, but I have a problem with clenching my jaw when I'm stressed, so it could be that.

I really can't take this anymore and I'm just so confused. Is this like. Rabies or something??? Rabies takes a long time to actually start killing you, so I really don't think it is, but please, god, don't let that girl who bit me be patient zero to a plague.